Local Maps
The name page_subtitle is already in use.

These factors have an impact on how a medical practice is viewed by search engines

Physical Address also in City Search

It's best if the city you want business from is actually part of your practice's address.

Area Code on Google My Business Page

Your practice's phone number should not be a toll free number.

Accurate Practice Category Associations

Make sure the practice categories listed in local directories match up with your services.

Proximity of Address to Center of City

The closer you are to the center of your town, the better your search results are for that town.

Number of Live Reviews on Google My Business

Get as many patient reviews and testimonials on your Google My Business page.

Number of Citations

You want as many directories (citations) linking to your website as possible.

Medical practices are missing out on new leads and sales from patients each day

Here are some surprising stats concerning small businesses.


43% of businesses have an incorrect or missing address.

It's hard to get new business when patients struggle to find your office.


60% of small business sites do not have a phone number listed.

Not displaying your phone number makes it harder for prospective patients to call you.


93% of small business websites are not mobile optimized.

Not the best way to get new patients since 63% of consumers use a mobile device to access websites.


37% of small businesses have an incorrect or missing name online.

If they don't know who you are, how can they call you?

Optimizing and monitoring your practice in local maps, review sites and niche directories has never been more important for a medical practice. Consumers now like to check out what your previous patients have said about your services online before deciding to do business with you at all.


Reaching More Local Consumers and Businesses

Google is not the only search engine or directory provider that shows local maps for medical practices. Some other top search engines and directories for local web traffic include Yahoo, Bing, Yelp, Best of the Web and Hot Frog to name a few. What makes map listings unique is that customers can submit reviews which can later influence potential customers. It is very important to have your business listing optimized on these services. Also, you must monitor what is being said about your company on these directory/map sites. We suggest having satisfied patients post reviews about your business, as these reviews can influence search engine rankings as well.

Where We List Your Site to Obtain Top Map Rankings


» 300 local directories
» Portals and guides such as AOL and City Search
» Best geo location directories
» Online Yellow Pages and Super Pages
» Best niche market directories
» 411 Directory Assistance
» Cell phones and mobile devices such as the iPhone and Blackberry devices
» Telematics such as OnStar
» In car GPS navigation


In the Picture Below, You can See the Local Map Listings Indicated:


Google Maps for Local Search